Good test-taking starts with good study skills. In order to know how to answer problems or formulate detailed responses, a student needs to expand knowledge through studying. With that in mind, some great examination tips to underscore include:

  • Spacing out study sessions leading up to the test day, instead of cramming weeks of knowledge in the night before
  • Removing yourself from distractions and find a study environment
  • Finding actual examples of abstract concepts
  • Practice going into great detail in explanations
  • Utilizing visual aids, charts, and graphs whenever possible
  • Using memory tricks or games to promote information retention
  • Trying positive visualization approaches
  • Taking regular breaks
  • Finding study partners to work together without distracting each other

As every teacher knows, however, studying is only half the struggle when it comes to testing scores. Even a student that has great study skills can do better when he or she takes certain steps to help the body and mind.


To give you more suggestions to help your students plan for and overcome testing issues, the accompanying slideshow is a helpful guide. In it, you’ll locate a couple of the most ideal ways understudies can plan for less pressure, more certainty, and better testing performance — from prioritizing sleep to eating well.

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